Frederick George Scott, known as "the poet of the Laurentians," was born in Montreal in 1861 and educated at Bishop's College, Lennoxville (B.A., 1881), and King's College, London (M.A., 1884). Made an Anglican priest in 1886, he become rector of St. Matthew's Church in Quebec city. He published 13 books of poetry in his lifetime: Justin and Other Poems (1885), The Soul's Quest and Other Poems (1888), My Lattice and Other Poems (1894), The Unnamed Lake and Other Poems (1897), Poems Old and New (1900), A Hymn of Empire and Other Poems (1906), Poems (1910), The Gates of Time, and Other Poems (1915), In the Battle Silences: Poems Written at the Front (1916), In Sun and Shade: A Book of Verse (1926), New Poems (1929), Selected Poems (1933), and Collected Poems (1934). During the first world war Scott served as chaplain to the Canadian First Division and published his experiences in The Great War as I Saw It (1922). He died in 1944, leaving a daughter and four sons, one of whom, F. R. Scott, was a poet like his father. Biographical information Given name: Frederick George Family name: Scott Birth date: 1861 Death date: 1944 Nationality: Canadian
the lady of the lake: canto 3
He is gone on the mountain,
He is lost to the forest,
Li...[read poem]
He is gone on the mountain,
He is lost to the forest,
the lady of the lake: canto 1
Soldier, rest! thy warfare o'er,
Sleep the sleep that knows not b...[read poem]
Soldier, rest! thy warfare o'er,
Sleep the sleep that knows not b...
lullaby of an infant chief
O hush thee, my babie, thy sire was a knight,
Thy mother a lady, both lovely and bright;
T...[read poem]
Thy mother a lady, both lovely and bright;
marmion: canto 5
O, young Lochinvar is come out of the west,
Through all the wide B...[read poem]
O, young Lochinvar is come out of the west,
Through all the wide B...
proud maisie
Proud Maisie is in the wood,
Walking so early;
Sweet Robin sits on the bush,
...[read poem]
Walking so early;
Sweet Robin sits on the bush,
marmion: canto 6
Next morn the Baron climb'd the tower,
To view afar the Scottish power,
Encamp'd on F...[read poem]
To view afar the Scottish power,
Encamp'd on F...
it was an english ladye bright
It was an English ladye bright,
(The sun shines fair on Carlisle wall,)
And she would ...[read poem]
(The sun shines fair on Carlisle wall,)
And she would ...
the lady of the lake: canto 5
"Have, then, thy wish!"--he whistled shrill,
A...[read poem]
"Have, then, thy wish!"--he whistled shrill,
rokeby: canto iii
O, Brignall banks are wild and fair,
And Greta woods are green,...[read poem]
O, Brignall banks are wild and fair,
And Greta woods are green,...
the burden of time
Before the seas and mountains were brought forth,
I reigned. I hung the universe in space,...[read poem]
I reigned. I hung the universe in space,...
macgregor's gathering
The moon's on the lake, and the mist's on the brae,
And the Clan has a name that is nameless by...[read poem]
And the Clan has a name that is nameless by...
the maid of neidpath
O lovers' eyes are sharp to see,
And lovers' ears in hearing;
And love in life's extre...[read poem]
And lovers' ears in hearing;
And love in life's extre...
the ride to melrose
The Lady sought the lofty hall,
Where many a bold retainer lay,
And with jocund din am...[read poem]
Where many a bold retainer lay,
And with jocund din am...
pibroch of donuil dhu
Pibroch of Donuil Dhu,
Pibroch of Donuil,
Wake thy wild voice anew,
Summon Cl...[read poem]
Pibroch of Donuil,
Wake thy wild voice anew,
Summon Cl...
jock of hazeldean
"Why weep ye by the tide, ladie?
Why weep ye by the tide?
I'll wed ye to my youngest...[read poem]
Why weep ye by the tide?
I'll wed ye to my youngest...
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