George Starbuck Poems

Poems » george starbuck

George Starbuck
George Starbuck (1931-1996) was an American poet of the neo-formalist school. His work is marked by clever rhymes, witty asides, and the fusing of Romantic themes with cynicism towards modern life. Starbuck called his style of formalism SLABS, for Standard Length And Breadth Sonnets. He was not widely appreciated by mainstream culture during his lifetime, but in the few years since his death his work has earned favor from both literary critics and casual readers of poetry. Two new collections of his poems have been published in the last few years (Poems Selected from Five Decades and Visible Ink) and have helped win him a wider audience. Starbuck's best-known poems include "Tuolomne," "On an Urban Battlefield," and "Sonnet With a Different Letter At the End of Every Line." He fathered five: Margret, Stephen, John, Anthony and Joshua. He taught at the Iowa Writers Workshop and, later, at Boston University.

sonnet with a different letter at the end of every line
O for a muse of fire, a sack of dough,
Or both! O promissory notes of woe!
One time in San... [read poem]
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