James Kenneth Stephen Poems

Poems » james kenneth stephen

James Kenneth Stephen
James Kenneth Stephen (February 25, 1859 – February 3, 1892), poet and tutor to Prince Albert Victor ("Eddy"), Duke of Clarence and Avondale. Perceived as a misogynist, he suffered from serious mental problems after an accidental head injury occurring during the winter of 1886/1887. J.K. Stephen as he signed himself - was a King's Scholar at Eton College. The fact that he was a King's Scholar meant that he was in College - the most historic part of the school - as opposed to one of the normal houses for the majority of boys who are not King's Scholars. Stephen was noted for his prodigious size and physical strength. He was also a renowned intellectual who spoke in a pedantic but highly articulate and entertaining manner. His father was a barrister-at-law. At Eton, J K Stephen was a legendary player of the Wall Game. He played for College on St. Andrew's Day four times, as a wall, in 1874, 1875, 1876 and 1877. In the last two years he was keeper, or captain, of College Wall. College beat the Oppidans by 4 shies to nil in his first year as keeper and by 10 shies to nil the next year. Ever after, the King's Scholars have honoured J K Stephen's memory with a toast at the Christmas Soc Supper - In Piam Memoriam J.K.S. ("In pious memory of J.K.S.").

one trick pony
He's a one trick pony
One trick is all that horse can do
He does one trick only
It's ... [read poem]
The spacious firmament on high,
With all the blue ethereal sky,
And spangled heav'ns, a sh... [read poem]
after the golden wedding (three soliloquies)
She's not a faultless woman; no!
She's not an angel in disguise:
She has her rivals here... [read poem]
a letter from italy
Salve magna parens frugum Saturnia tellus,
Magna virûm! tibi res antiquæ laudis et ... [read poem]
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