the embarrassing episode of little miss muffet
Little Miss Muffet discovered a tuffet,
(Which never occurred to the rest of us)
And, as '...[read poem]
(Which never occurred to the rest of us)
And, as '...
westminster abbey
October 12, 1892
"Gib diesen Todten mir heraus." -- Don Carlos.
Bring me my ...[read poem]
"Gib diesen Todten mir heraus." -- Don Carlos.
Bring me my ...
when the great gray ships come in
To eastward ringing, to westward winging, o'er mapless miles of sea,
On winds and tides the gos...[read poem]
On winds and tides the gos...
god's likeness
Not in mine own, but in my neighbor's face
Must I Thine image trace;
Nor he in his bu...[read poem]
Must I Thine image trace;
Nor he in his bu...
how a cat was annoyed and a poet was booted
A poet had a cat.
There is nothing odd in that-
(I _might_ make a little pun about the _Me...[read poem]
There is nothing odd in that-
(I _might_ make a little pun about the _Me...
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